Beyond Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is often held up as the gold standard of revolution and transformation, but what if replicating the Valley isn’t the point? Other hives of innovation and growth buzz around the country and in almost every city around the world. Where will innovation happen, and how will what we build change as its venue changes?

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The White House and Jeff Immelt on Jobs: Compelling, Infuriating or Simply Irrelevant?

At the start of the week, Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE and the head of President Obama’s task force on job creation, released an interim report on plans to boost employment in the U.S. The reactions have been relatively predictable. Immelt himself has come in for criticism — fair or not — as a corporate titan who has overseen job creation abroad and job destruction at home, and there has been no shortage of voices pointing to GE’s global profits that have not been subject to American taxation.

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Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World’s Prosperity Depends on It

The economic relationship between China and the United States is the defining issue of our day. While debates over health care are vital to American society, and while challenges ranging from Iran to Afghanistan to North Korea are real, nothing will determine the arc of the coming decades — or will shape domestic life and prosperity in the United States — more than the emergence of China as a global economic superpower unrivaled except by America.


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